BC NDP Candidate – Patti MacAhonic

Patti MacAhonic stopped by the school today to present the BC NDP platform to our students. Below is a video of the presentation along with 10 facts on why students should vote NDP on student Vote day, May 13th.




1. Increase funding for schools – teachers, support staff and technology
2. No to oil ports on the BC Coast
3. Create resources and specific funding for anti-bullying campaigns
4. Put more money into trades and apprenticeship programs
5. Reduce poverty – more affordable daycare, increase taxes for higher earners over 150 000 per year
6. Increase carbon tax and use that money to invest in alternatie forms of energy
7.  Preserve First Nations languages
8. Create new farming programs and open up new land for food production
9. Chilliwack needs safe water and is willing to talk further if elected
10. Against waste to energy incinerator – they would support it however the Fraser Valley Regional District said it would be okay and met all necessary standards

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