BC Conservative Party Candidate – Chad Eros

Chad Eros stopped by the school today to present the BC Conservative Party platform to our students. Below is a video of the presentation along with 10 facts on why students should vote Conservative on student vote day, May 13th.




1. Smaller government

2. No to the incinerator – wants to build gasification plant but this is more expensive

3. To reduce BC ecological footprint will creative environment where researchers, inventors and scientist can help solve environmental problems

4. Create more jobs for younger people

5. Believe in lower taxes – this will help reduce poverty

6. Wants to make college and university more affordable and accessible

7. If elected wants to make BC a place where families want to live

8. Wants to remove property transfer tax. This tax stops some people from owning a home.

9. Pipeline issue – we need to be reasonable. We need to continue to buy oil from Alberta.

10. Will spend more money on frontline healthcare workers (doctors and nurses) instead of administrators and desk-work

2 thoughts on “BC Conservative Party Candidate – Chad Eros

  1. There are several reasons I voted conservatives in the 2013 provincial election. Firstly, they agree with the pipeline. We need the pipeline if the debt is going to be paid off. One of the cons of the pipeline is that it could spill in the ocean. The pipe is really old, but with an upgrade it should be fine. Secondly, they have a nice vibe. It feels like I could trust them. When they were on TV they said they would be a different type of government. They also seem family friendly. Lastly, education they want to support education. Like adding more technology in school. They also want to make college and university cheaper. If college and university is cheaper than more people will be able to go. I think if Conservitive party was elected they would be trustworthy.

  2. I voted for the Conservative Party because I think they will lead well. Firstly, I think they will lead well is because they will be putting up the pipeline. If they do that, then the taxes will go down. They will only do it under some agreements and some safety check. The Conservatives said that they will be putting up the pipeline so it will be easier to get natural gas. Secondly, I think they will lead well because they will try to get rid of the incinerator. The incinerator is a machine that burns garbage. It is in Vancouver. The incinerator pollutes the air. Thirdly, I think they will lead well because they will lower the taxes. One of the ways they will lower the taxes is by putting up the pipelines. Chad Eros told a story about oranges that explains how they will lower the taxes. He said that the Conservatives will not “squeeze the oranges too hard”. Lastly, I am hopeful to see how the new government works if the Conservatives get elected.

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