Why Compost At All?


Statistics say that by 2015 we need to be recycling 80% of the products we buy or materials we grow.  We can no longer keep digging large holes in the ground and filling them will waste products, nor is it acceptable to continue to use our oceans as unseen dumping grounds.  Once again, your’re the generation tasked with changing the way we care for the Earth.

I would like you to complete the following two tasks:

  1. I would like you to leave a comment and tell me something you learned from today’s presentation.
  2. I would like to visit the following link and fill out the spreadsheet.  I would like everyone to leave just one example.

19 thoughts on “Why Compost At All?

  1. I learned that you can compost all the fruits,veggies,egg shells and have soil that you can put on your veggie garden’s.

  2. Today I learned that you don`t just use any old type of items to compost .The items that you need to use is dirt sticks leaves fruit and veggies.They have to be in layers though so the first thing you put for the bottom layer is dirt or newspaper with a stick and then for the second layer you put your fruit and veggies,Then you cover it with dirt and sometimes leaves.

  3. I learned that the composted soil is called humus. I also learned that you need to layer the green and brown materials need to be layered.

  4. I learned That you have to put Brown stuff at the bottom green stuff in the middle and brown stuff at the up and keep making that type of pattern.

  5. Today I learned that you need to use brown leaves, fruits, veggies, dirt and a few sticks. They have to be in layers so first we put dirt on for the bottom layer, or it could be newspaper, with some sticks for the second layer. We put fruits and veggies,after that we coverit with dirt and some people like to but leaves with it and sometime it works better for then.And an ather thing I learn today was tha you can’t pot meet in you compost .Because then it will a trace fruitflys.And dogs or cats can get in your compost bean and make the bean foll over the you would hatf to make an ather one agean and that would not be go .And if you are going to put water in your compost make shear you don’t but to much.

  6. I learned that you can’t put in certain stuff in your compost bin and that you put brown stuff at the bottom green in the middle and brown on the top.

  7. I leaned that you should put brown on the bottem like leaves on the bottem and the top and that you shuld put green like fresh grass in the middle.

  8. well if you compost it makes good soil for your gardens and you dont help pile up at your local land fill. then your doing the planet a favor.

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