Four-Square Writing: A Great Idea Organizer And Paragraph Writing Helper

connecting words

I would like you to chose one of your best four-square writing samples and type it into the comments section of this post.

Please remember the following:

  • The whole world is able to read your story so make your topic worth reading
  • Give your writing a title
  • Topic sentence – please use a full sentence for your topic
  • Choose a 5, 8, or advanced paragraph – challenge yourself
  • Indent the first line
  • Leave two spaces after a period before you start the next sentence.
  • EDIT your work for missing words and basic punctuation
  • Use your SPARKLE words

I would then like you to comment on other people’s work by giving a detailed sentence on something you liked about the topic or the writing.

8 thoughts on “Four-Square Writing: A Great Idea Organizer And Paragraph Writing Helper

  1. I miss my dog charlette. she is at my dads house because we cant keep her at our house. she always runs out of the house when the door opens. a about a week ago she got picked up by the pound. He got her out but it still worrys me when stuff like that happens. I havent seen her in a long time and I want to see her again soon. I love my dog and I dont like my dad and so I dont like going thair but I will to see charlett.

  2. Halloween For Hunger
    Halloween For Hunger is feed people that can’t. We donated 636 cans. We donated cans to food bank. People in the town gave kid’s cans to donate to food,banks. You go and treat or treating and ask for canned goods and candy. We walked to people’s house’s with flyer’s. We gave flyer’s out to house’s. We want people to be involved with Halloween For Hunger. Miss.Bartel and Mr.Lister class’s walked acrosstown giving out. Halloween For Hunger started at We Day. At 6am the grade 6-8 gone to Roger’s Area. They listened to speaker’s and how we can change the world. They talked about EMPATHY and letting the world pass by. Halloween For Hunger is to feed people that can’t. We donated 636 cans. We walked to people’s house’s with flyer’s. Halloween For Hunger started at We Day.

  3. Halloween for Hunger is important because you can care for your community. Got to houses on Halloween night to get canned food as well as candy or just canned food.

    After you’re done collecting canned food you bring it to your local food bank.So the people in your community that don’t have much food can have something to eat.

    You can donate forty cans to your local food bank you can feed lots of people.One can could feed a hungry person for a day.

    Halloween for Hunger is a important event because you can care for your community.Go to houses on Halloween night to get canned food as well as candy or just canned food.

    After you’re done collecting canned food you bring it to your local food bank.So the people in your community that don’t have food can have something to eat.

    You can donate forty cans to your local food bank you can feed lots of people.One can could feed a hungry person for one day.

  4. About three years ago I came to canada form haiti I was sevin years old when I herd Iwas coming to canada. When I herad that I was very frighten. Because i never went to a different county befor so I was not happy to no that when I was leaving nobuby wunted me to leave and I dednt wunt to leave eother. but when I came I was very happy to come to this county it was the best thing that evry hapin to.

  5. If I were a cat I would be a jet black one because I think jet black is the best color for a cat. Also i think jet black is an amazing color. If I were a black cat no one would be able to see me in the dark because of my color.If I were a cat i would like to be pet because knowing that your owner wants to spend time with you has a wonderful feeling to it. In real life I have had people pet me and that also has a wonderful feeling to it (I’m not sure why myself). I would be overly exited if I were to one day become a cat.

  6. My marvelous Brithday

    Ican’t wait for my MARELOUS brithday.I can’t wait for my MARELOUS brithday because TWO people are ABLE to sleepover.And if those TWO peopleare ABLE to sleepover then my mom will take us to the movies.Iwould be DELIGHTED if cloud come to my MARELOUS brithday.Ifeel MARELOUS today.

  7. Video games are fun.They give me another opportunists to beat my brother.He gets mad at me when I win.I win when he says I can’t.Video games are a way to make Connor mad.You can take a break from the real world.If you are mad at someone you could just take a break.If your house is boring it is fun.Even if your sad you can play a fun game.My favorite game on the Xbox360 is The Simpson’s.You can play video games instead of of playing with your brother or sister.Your mom can’t get mad if your not playing with someone else cause its a 2 player.In the game you get to chase a chocolate bunny(I love chocolate).Video games are fun because I can beat my brother,you can leave people that bug you,and I love playing The Simpson’s Game.

  8. Friend Ship:I have some epic friends. Because every one is kind and respective in there own way. All my friends play with me. Because if I treat someone with respect then they will treat me the same. My friends are so looking up to friends. Because they have some eye opening and kind words like this “(Ok Sara ill play wilth you!)”. My friends have some epic ideas. Beacuse like Bryanna likes cats and she writes about them and I like hamsters and I write about them. Friend Ship: I have some epic friends. Because every one is kind and respective in there own way. All my friends play with me. Because if I treat someone with respect then they will treat me the same. My friends are so looking up to friends. Because they have some eye opening and kind words like this “(Ok Sara ill play with you!)”. My friends have some epic ideas. Because like Bryannas likes cats and she writes about them and I like hamsters and I write about them. Because evry ong is kind and respective in there own way.

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