Government: April 19th By-Election in Chilliwack-Hope

Tomorrow, April 19th, there will be a by-election in our city.  The results will determine a new MLA to represent Chilliwack-Hope in the British Columbia Legislature in Victoria.   In order to continue our understanding of the levels of government in Canada, we will participate in our own mock by-election at school.


To prepare for tomorrow’s vote, I would like you to review the notes from each candidate, and review the embedded slideshow on government in British Columbia.

Candidate Notes


Then, I would like you to leave a thoughtful and meaningful comment on either the election or the government of British Columbia.


10 thoughts on “Government: April 19th By-Election in Chilliwack-Hope

  1. Mr.Lister

    I think the fake election we are doing tomorrow is a great idea for kids to understand the government. Also the real election is great because the winner will make Chilliwack-Hope better. Maybe in the future when I am old enough to vote, I will understand about the government. Do you think election are good? Do you think in the future kids like us will understand election and how they work?

    From Krystal

    1. Hello Krystal,

      Thank you for your thoughtful comment. I agree with you that tomorrow is a great opportunity for you to have your say.

      As you know, we live in a society were we have a say in how our government works. It doesn’t work like this in all countries! We should know our rights and responsibilities as Canadians. One of those responsibilities is to vote.

      Can you tell me one way in which our government affects your life?

  2. Hi this is Jiayao from Chilliwack B.C. I like the way that you put a lot of links in. I have a question for slide #3: what are the red squres on the picture? My second question is: when is the video on slide #6 taken? My last question is: where did you get the map of the electoral districts in B.C? Can you please answer some of my questions if you have time?

  3. Hey it is Sereena!

    Sometimes it is hard to know who to vote for because sometimes you agree with somethings they say, but not agree as much about other things they say. Even though it can be hard you have to make a decision.

    Last year I had trouble choosing who I was going to vote for, but this year I chose somebody without having any trouble. Has that ever happened to you?

    I like having these mock elections. They are fun! I can’t wait until I am legal voting age, so I can vote and my vote will count for whoever I would like to run my city.


    1. Sereena,

      I here you! It is sometimes incredibly hard to decide who to vote. In an effort to help you decide, I would pick one area that is important to you and make that the deciding factor.

      It is my hope that after going through this process for two years you realize the importance of voting, and you realize that you have a voice. My challenge for you though, is will you exercise that right?

      Sereena, What are a couple of ways that government affects your life on a daily basis?

  4. Hi it’s Tyrone!

    I couldn’t see the slide show but I like how we get to create a mock election again because i found last years mock election quite interesting. My favorite part about the mock election was meeting the candidates. What is your favorite part about the mock elections? Do you like to do mock elections?

    Thanks, Tyrone

  5. Hey it is Sophie

    I can’t make up my mind about who I want to vote for. It has been a hard decision to make I have had to go back and forth to my notes to see who i want to be in charged and decisions on my behalf.

    Last year it was very easy for me to choose who I want, but this year it has not been easy because not any of them have connected to me like the Green Party did last year. I hope I make the right decision.

    I thank having these elections in the school is fun! I like how we get a chance to say what we want. I hope i get to do this still we i go to middle school until i can vote. I am looking forward to when I can vote.


  6. Hi, Tyrel here.
    I liked when the two candidates came into our class to tell us about their opinion. There was one slide that came up as blank, I am wondering what it was? I liked the slide where you got to see one of the rooms. I learned that choosing people could be a tough decision. My mom and I compared the candidates, we noticed some said the same things and then somethings they disagreed. They all don’t want pollution but some seem to care more than others. I care about pollution. I think healthcare is important. I believe we should have bigger consequences for crime. And schooling should cost less. My mom found it interesting that none of the candidates said anything about the teachers strike, and how they will handle it.
    Sincerely, Tyrel BSNdA

  7. Hey it is Dylan!
    It is sometimes hard to vote because one canidate says one thing but you like what the other canidate says. All the canidates seem to have good ideas. I really like that we are learning about the election process. I think this will help me understand what to do in a real election. I hope that the most suitable canidate will win.

  8. Hi it’s Veronica

    Its was hard to decide who to vote, because only two party came like John Martin and Lourie Theron only came so it was hard to decide. But they did a good job when they came and present to us about changing some things and places. I’m glad that we get to vote in are class room and see who is going to win.

    Last year was fun because all the partys and get to present to us and how they are going to keep are town clean. It was kind of hard for me to vote last year too because they got really good ideas. I really like when all the partys came.

    But it was nice when we get to answer some question to John Martin and Lourie Theron because they had really good ideas. I hope when i’m older I can vote and I hope that everyone can vote. Would it be nice if kids can vote too?


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